Financial Coaching

Financial Coaching to Improve Your Money Game!

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What to Expect During a Financial Coaching Session

Finances aren’t easy, especially when you’re facing obstacles like debt or bad credit. That’s why Apprisen offers financial coaching for those who need a little extra support in reaching their financial goals and debt management solutions.  We offer two types of Financial Coaching – coaching for individuals and couples, and coaching for employees through Employer Financial Wellness Programs.

Continue reading to learn more about the financial coaching sessions that we have available.

Individual & Couple Financial Coaching

Apprisen Financial Fitness Coaches empower, support and motivate clients to achieve their financial goals. In a series of individual holistic coaching sessions over a 12-month period, participants will:

  • Set personalized financial goals and create an action plan for achieving them.
  • Receive access to free financial tools via webinars, social media, and Money Minute blog articles.
  • Connect with their coach in three convenient ways: in-person, phone, or email.
  • Review Experian credit report & FICO score with the coach, learn how to address issues, and identify ways to strengthen credit.
  • Stay engaged and remain accountable for progress through follow-ups with their coach.
  • Track and record changes in behavior through Apprisen’s Financial Stability assessment. 

Ready to learn more about how our Financial Coaching can work for you? Give us a call at 1 (800) 355-2227, or chat now to speak to a Financial Specialist.

Financial Coaching

A one-time $300 fee for individual or joint sessions. These holistic coaching sessions take place over a 12-month period. 

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