How to Prepare for the Holiday Season: Mentally & Financially

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Eight Steps to Retiring Early

  The concept of early retirement is now starting to become an attractive prospect for many people. You’ve probably seen instances where certain persons achieved retiring early…

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Year End Financial Review in 5 Steps

I always get excited for the end-of-year round-ups.  Spotify Wrapped, all those “Top X of 2021” lists, all of it.  It’s fun for me to reminisce about…

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Apprisen 2021 Year In Review

2021 was a big year for all of us.  Our world saw major changes: some good, some not-so-good.  Through it all, Apprisen was there for our clients…

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3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Credit

The days are getting longer and the flowers are blooming. As Spring arrives, it brings up that natural inclination to scrub away the winter malaise and polish…

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