by sarahlgant
July is Consumer Credit Awareness month here at Apprisen, so stay connected to and stay informed. Your credit scores are not as complex as you would think.…
by Libby Ludwig
As a credit financial specialist, one of the most frequent questions I get about credit reports is: “Why do I have three credit scores and why are…
by hopsiesites
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! It’s so hard to believe that we are at the end of 2015. Christmas shopping has most likely already taken…
by Lisa Piercefield
Are you smarter than your credit score? Your credit report & score can positively or negatively impact your financial future. In fact, your credit can play a…
by avanowling03
Who doesn’t want to build credit? Everyone knows the lower your credit score is, the higher the interest rate and vice versa. Like you, my credit score…
by avanowling03
by avanowling03
Financial health happens when you partner with IRIS! Securely submit your financial information to IRIS and receive a free, comprehensive financial plan within hours! This plan is reviewed by one of our live Certified Financial Specialists. It's the first step on your journey to financial health!