As we kickstart a new year, it’s important to reflect on the wins, losses, learnings, and accomplishments of the prior year. Though 2022 brought many challenges for our clients (record-breaking inflation, market volatility, mounting debt, and rising interest rates), our clients arose to the occasion and slayed their financial goals! Above all, they taught us that with a little support and guidance, it’s possible to achieve the impossible!
Our Local Communities
We provided financial education to more than 130K people through our outreach and social media efforts. Boosting your financial education supports wealth-building. Thanks to all our partners, we were able to empower local communities across the nation through financial education workshops/webinars. Kudos to those individuals who took the time to boost their financial knowledge.
Our Debt Management Program Clients
Managing debt and paying down debt is a key component in a financially healthy journey. For most of our clients, that encompasses having a solid debt management plan in place, with reduced interest rates and payments, which frees up funds to increase savings and/or pay off debt more aggressively. Therefore, we celebrate the accomplishments our debt management clients achieved in 2022. While we have program participants nationwide, the top states with active debt management program (“DMP”) participants were:
- Ohio
- Kentucky
- Indiana
- Missouri
- Washington
The top 5 cities with Apprisen DMP graduates were:
- Columbus
- Indianapolis
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Louisville
Our debt management program participants paid off $23,313,876.29 worth of debt in 2022! Way to go, graduates!
FinFit Clients
We also provide other low-cost financial wellness services called “FinFit” services that help clients with other financial goals. Last year, our 200 financial coaching clients worked on specific financial goals and boosted their savings funds. Combined, our financial coaching clients saved a total of $105,005! Also, 97 clients made a decision to whip their finances into shape by going through the one-time financial health plan session. Prior to the session, these clients weren’t aware of how healthy their finances were and didn’t have a cash-flow budget to help them track the timing of their income and expenses. Now, they have a personalized budget that helps them ensure they have enough money to cover their expenses from week to week.
This new year will undoubtedly present a new series of opportunities and challenges as we all adjust to the economy ahead. Through it all, it’s key to remember that the financial journey is a marathon, not a sprint. And sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination–that’s when you learn to overcome obstacles. Cheers to 2023!
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