Save Money Through Friendships

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“Thank You for Being a Friend” is popular theme song for the canceled, but once popular NBC sitcom The Golden Girls. It is also the phrase I use when my friends support me in matters both big and small.  Just like, Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy and Rose, having good friendships tend to make your happier, and less stressed about almost everything… including the possibility of facing the future alone. Although the majority of us are not in our Golden years like Blanche and Sophia, and the thought of dying alone does not constantly haunt us, there is no denying that friendships can make us happier. Heck, they make us feel great, feel more secure, and they can save all of us money.
So, let’s discuss ways you can save through friendships, because friends are awesome and can help you save money.

  1. Saving on healthcare costs. Good friendships are usually good for a laugh, which puts you in a better mood and relaxes you. Laughter immediately makes me think of the cast of friends on the now popular show known as the Impractical Jokers. They are constantly laughing, and enjoying themselves. They appear to be carefree, stress free, without an ache or pain, without a care in the world. Although my friends aren’t nearly as talented and funny as Murray, Sal, Joe and Q, they often make me laugh, they often serve as a sounding board when things don’t go as expected… which of course helps me to decompress. My friends could never hold a candle to the level of jokes and pranks that Murr and Sal display, but they have the occasional good joke that leads to a much needed belly laugh. Who knew that belly laughs helps to create an environment of trust and relaxation? Who knew staying calm may keep the blood pressure down? Who knew a belly laugh could keep your head from exploding? Who knew all of these things may work to maintain good health? So, good friendships like Sal’s and Murr’s can help you save money on health care cost. So have a hearty belly laugh with your friends.
  2. Utilize their specialist skills/talents. Which one of your friends has a special talent to repair things? Which one is handy with most tools? Who generally earns extra money on the weekends with their special talent? Yes, most of us have at least one friend capable to doing some home repairs.  If you are lucky, you have many handy and talented friends. So, instead of hiring a professional to paint the den, change your car battery or DJ at your wedding, ask your friend to do it at a much cheaper rate or in exchange for a service you are good at performing. If you are especially fortunate, a simple “Thank you for being a friend” will be enough of a reward for your friends. Certainly, you can see that good friendships like Dorothy’s and Rose’s, or Sal’s and Murr’s may help you save on fees for experienced, or specialized services.  Yet, another great way to save through friendship.
  3. Swapping and borrowing. If your friends don’t mind sharing their things, you can swap or borrow things you need short term. Such as a car, a really nice suit jacket, or great set of china.  Certainly if Sheldon, Raj or Penny were away, and Leonard’s car was in the shop, they would let him borrow the car or rent it out to him at an affordable rate. The friendship displayed on the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory shows you that it is possible to crash at a friend’s home for very little (if any) rent as you work to get back on your feet. Just don’t overstay your welcome. Good friendships like Sheldon’s and Leonard’s can help you save on the cost of items needed short term.
  4. Friendship loan. Do you think Dorothy would think twice about borrowing money from her mom Sophia?  So, why should you hesitate to ask your family members or good friends for a loan before taking out a high interest rate loan through a PayDay lender or finance company?   Not only are you setting yourself up to be accessed expensive finance charges, but the extremely high interest rates and high monthly payments will surely cause you to struggle to make on time payments each month. So, why are you setting yourself up for a feeling of hopelessness, of feeling overwhelmed?  If you are unable to get a loan through a credit union or bank, try to get a little help from your friends, and then be prepared to pay them back as scheduled.

Taking advantage of group rates, buying in bulk, and participating in potlucks are additional ways friendships can help you save money. Friendships are important for many reasons, including ways to save. Yes, friends can help you spend less.
Do your friends help you save money in other ways? Comment below.

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